Tuesday 27 January 2009


Apologies to all that it has been so long since I wrote, everything has gone out the window recently!!!!
Whats been happening, well since my op I returned to work after Christmas and am now back into the swing of things, I got all clear from op then a not all clear as there had been a mix up but I am happy to say it is now all sorted (panic over). we attended my aunts funeral minus Rob as Adam was not well so he looked after him, it was a very long tiring and emotional day. I had a few days break with my sister before I went back to work which was nice. Rob has been off work on and off with his back and is currently off again, looks like there will be redundancies at his place before long so will see how it goes.

Christmas came and went quietly, then it was a round of birthdays, my niece Lauren was 21 Adam was 13 and my niece Lydia was 16 so it was a big family and friends lunch on the 11th of January which was a lovely Sunday.

Adam got a little job before Christmas delivering the free press once a week to which we have been helping him (I am thinking of the exercise) so hes saving up not sure what for as it changes weekly!

We have finally booked for Florida for three weeks in the summer not sure yet what we are gonna do as regards travelling about so that is yet to sort out.

Mums house was rented till the 8th Jan then a new tenant was going in then they weren't but now they have so we are just in the process (today) of emptying the last of the furniture out, it has all gone to charities so that's my bit sorted for all!!!! Hopefully after this it will be sorted and no more worries for a while on the house front, its flipping hard work maintaining 2 houses!

We were gonna go to New York at half term but that's coming up real expensive, we wanted to take Lauren as a birthday treat so that will have to be rethought.

I have bought a treadmill and am trying to get in shape ( I know that's a laugh) but I do intend to try.

Well I think I am up to date now so hopefully get back on track, am going to see a medium tonight and have a private reading next week so will let yo know how I get on!!!!

Sunday 19 October 2008

Next installment

Well I had my op on the 29th of September, I felt fine after it and I asked to come home on the 2nd of October, thought I would get more rest at home and less risk of catching any bugs LOL, they said I could stay until the Saturday when they removed my stitches but I said no, so the district nurse came to remove them, I got up and walked the same day as my op and was walking loads by the Wednesday, I have walked most days since coming home, and me been me hates resting am totally bored!!! I have to say this last few days I have not felt as well as I did so I went for a check up on Friday and they tell me my stomach hurts because they moved my bowel and they don't like been moved, so its protesting (thats about right for me) hopefully it will settle down.

After I had my op my cousin rang to say my aunt was ill, Bob and my sister decided not to tell me until I came home, so when they told me and I rang they had taken her into hospital, so I never got chance to say goddbye she had cancer and died last Sunday, this has been another shock not even a year after my Mum so the dreaded cancer strikes again, it was lung cancer and very aggressive, they said 2 months and then said hours but in fact she managed another week but finally last sunday she fell asleep. The funeral is next Thursday the 23 in Norfolk, we have decided to hire a mini bus and driver so that will take the pressure off any of us driving, we are going to go there and back in the day with plenty of stops for me as I won't be able to sit for so long, Adam does not want to go as he is still missing my mum and dosent want to go to another funeral, Bob was gonna stay home and be there for Adam but he is gonna sleep at a friends and then Bob will pick him up early next morning, so then he can get ready for school, well thats the plan, but he is full of cold at the moment so things could change again.

So at the moment lifes just passing on by, I am trying not to let this get me down so am trying not to think too much, but with a lot of time on my hands its hard not to.

Thursday 25 September 2008

First one

Well I have been telling people I will start this, but I never seem to get round to it (this saying always reminds me of a plate - called a round tuit)

I have started this so many time but then I put stuff down and delete it, cos I think who wants to know that!!!

I have been sat this morning looking at flights for next year but then I keep thinking don't book anything till after my op next Monday the 29th, I am more nervous about this one than 2 weeks ago maybe cos it was cancelled on the 15th at the last min.

I am having a hysterectomy and have known since last Chirstmas that I was going to have one it was just a case of timing, they wanted me to have it done in April but as I had booked holidays for a month in July there was no way I was spoiling my trip to Florida. I also wanted it done at my local hospital, so I had to get my conultant to agree to another one then i had a meeting with her in June to see if she would agree and then it was a case of trying to get a date, she books all her own ops and she was on holiday after me for a month.

I wasn't in the right state of mind then anyway, is now?? well it will be a year in November that my darling Mum died and although the time has passed there isn't a day goes by that I don't miss her. After Mum died I was in a bad place for a long while but I think I am turning the corner now, Adam misses my Mum a lot and is dreading me having this op, he seems so young and yet so old, we never hid the fact that Mum had cancer but I suppose like the rest of us he never thought she would go, he saw a lot of her living so close and for that I will always be grateful that he had that time with her, Mum was the only grandparent he has ever had. I think that was the hardest, the fact that we knew but as she seemed to be coping we thought it would never come, naive of us, I suppose looking back now I knew she was getting weaker but didn't want it to happen, I always used to think which was worst - going suddenly like my Dad did or knowing that someone you love is dying, I know now that neither is, they are both as bad, I suppose in all this we are selfish and don't want to loose people we love, it must have been so hard for Mum, I know she had had enough, but didn't want to leave us, but God knows when its time to move on, and thats what I keep telling Adam - we all have our time. Bob was a great strength and still is and I know he finds this difficult, but dosen't show it cos he knows what a softie I am